Analysis of fiber switch types

Access Layer Switch

Usually, the part of the network that is directly connected to users or accesses the network is called the access layer, and the part between the access layer and the core layer is called the distribution layer or the convergence layer. Access switches are generally used to directly connect computers, and aggregation switches are generally used between buildings. Convergence is equivalent to a local or important transit station, and core is equivalent to an exit or total aggregation. The purpose of the original definition of the aggregation layer is to reduce the burden on the core, exchange the local data switch traffic on the local aggregation switch, reduce the workload of the core layer, and make the core layer only process data exchange outside the local area.


Aggregation layer switch

The aggregation layer switch is the aggregation point of multiple access layer switches. Its function is to unify the exit of the access nodes, and it also performs forwarding and routing. It must be able to handle all traffic from the access layer devices and provide uplinks to the core layer, so the aggregation layer switch needs to have high forwarding performance compared to the access layer switch, which is usually a layer 3 switch.


Post time: Sep-26-2022